There were soooooo many great entries into my Call Sign Contest that it was hard deciding which one to go with!!! And after taking a look at my storyline for Her Island Destiny, I've finally chosen which call sign I'll be using for my heroine!!!
Dear readers, I'd like to present to you Isla MacKinnon, call sign Valkyrie!
Thank you Debra Maples for coming up with the name!!!
Ok folks, here is why I went with Valkyrie...
Her Island Destiny takes us away from the Highlands of Scotland and we dive into the world of the Orkney Islands, a group of islands lying off the northern tip of Scotland, where the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet. Now for those who don't know, from the stone age Orcadians left a legacy of monuments through to the Vikings, who took the islands in the ninth century and made them the center of a powerful earldom and part of the kingdom of Norway.
Well...Cian James, our hero, is fighting to keep his castle Moal and the lands surrounding it on the Isle of Skye which is on the west coast of Scotland. It's rumored that he is not of full Scottish blood because his ancestors come from the Orkney Islands. And because of this rumor, he must prove he is worthy of his lands or he'll be forced to surrender them to Fergus MacAlpin, a favorite in King Edward’s court who has decided he wants Moal for himself.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Call Sign Contest Winner!!!
Posted by Annie Marshall - Celtic Paranormal Romance Author at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Her Noble Destiny received the coveted award from Coffee Time Romance and More!!!!
I'm doing a happy dance!!!!! LOL
Head on over to read all about it!!!!
CTRR Award
Haunts and kisses!!!!!
Posted by Annie Marshall - Celtic Paranormal Romance Author at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Name the Heroine Contest
In my WIP, my heroine, Isla MacKinnon is an Army helicopter pilot and needs a Call Sign!!!
Help me come up with Isla's call sign and you'll win a goodie box filled with promo items from my Destiny series and your own character in my next book of the series, Her Island Destiny!!! Plus you'll be credited for coming up with the name in my acknowledgment page of the book!
The contest will run until next Thursday June 18th at noon CST and I'll announce the winner that evening!!!
Good luck everyone and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Haunts and kisses!
Posted by Annie Marshall - Celtic Paranormal Romance Author at 1:07 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Her Noble Destiny Receives a 5 Cup Rating!
Her Noble Destiny recieves a 5 Cup Rating at Coffeetime Romance!!!

Aiden MacAlister, the peacemaker of the family, is heartbroken after his brother dies in battle. He has the task of caring for his brother’s land. On the way to Dunstaffnage Castle, he comes upon an injured woman who desperately needs help.
Jaedin Greer, a United States Army captain and nurse, is working in Iraq with the military police unit, who are short on medics. It is during an explosion she soon finds herself in the 1300’s, in a place somewhat familiar.
Aiden is on the way to Dunstaffnage Castle when he happens upon a woman needing assistance. Jaedin hears hoof beats and prays it is help. When Aiden takes her to his home, Jaedin learns the accident has taken her eyesight, but Aiden is very attentive to her needs. As they slowly learn about the other, Jaedin is certain she has been to the area in her time when she was smaller and things were in ruins. She even recalls stories her Gram would tell her about the MacAlister men. Can the two stay together throughout any time, or will Jaedin be transported back to the present, leaving behind the man who has captured her heart?
I must say Her Noble Destiny is a sweeping tale that transports the reader into a majestic time period. I fell in love with the descriptions of the era, the castle, not to mention Jaedin and Aiden. Jaedin is remarkable the way she loses her eyesight yet uses other senses, and measures, to grasp everything around her. The passion, and love, shared between Jaedin, and Aiden, spins a love affair that surpasses through time. Annie Marshall pens an exciting tale sweeping this reader into a lovely land, with vivid characters that captivate, and take the breath away, in this rare story of love.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
Posted by Annie Marshall - Celtic Paranormal Romance Author at 5:04 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I've Been Interviewed by The Examiner!
Good morning, dearest friends!!!
I've been interviewed by Fran Lee at The Examiner!!!
Click Here to be whisked away to read our interview!!!
Make sure to leave me a comment so I know you were there!!!
Have a fantastic day, my dear friends!!!
Haunts and kisses!!!
Posted by Annie Marshall - Celtic Paranormal Romance Author at 3:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy Release Day!!!
Posted by Annie Marshall - Celtic Paranormal Romance Author at 7:02 AM 0 comments