Friday, April 17, 2009

Her Noble Destiny News

Each day draws us closer and closer to the release of "Her Noble Destiny"!!!!!

Here is the postcard that I created to promo it at the Lori Foster event in Cincinnati, OH June 5-7, 2009!

So if you are in the area and/or are attending the event, you'll have to stop by and see me so I can sign the postcard for you!

I'll also be selling copies of my books on CD!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Haunts and kisses;


Fran Lee's Romance Blog said...

Hi, Annie! Thought I would drop by and see ya! Great-looking blog! Love the cover!

Annie Marshall - Celtic Paranormal Romance Author said...

Hi there!!!
Thank you for stopping by Fran!
I'm looking forward to our inverview on June 3rd!
Haunts and kisses!