Friday, September 10, 2010

HAUNTED LEGACY Gets a Wonderful Review

This just in from the beautiful Delilah Marvelle! What a glorious way to end my stressful week! Thank you so much Delilah!!!
A review of HAUNTED LEGACY, the story of Lust from the Seven Sins Print novel, published by DCL Publications.
"From the moment HAUNTED LEGACY begins I was thrust into a time of grit, yearning, passion and mystery that seized me and didn't want to let me go. It was like a ghost story of old made new with a sweeping romance that made every single word worthwhile. From the moment Sheena and Lachlan's eyes meet, the heat begins to rise and I melted seeing their wounded hearts beat for each other against all odds and the tragic history that haunted them both. Sheena and Lachlan were absolutely delicious. My only complaint is that the story had to end..." - Delilah Marvelle, author of Mistress of Pleasure and Lord of Pleasure