Monday, May 11, 2009

To Haunt or Not To Haunt

...That is the question. LOL

When I was sixteen, I was on a trip with our church youth group to Texas to help build houses for Habitat for Humanity. One of the local churches in the small town allowed us to stay in their building while we were there.

The day before we left for Texas, I went to our local library and checked out a few books to read while on the trip. I can't remember the name of the book, but I had picked one up that was about ghosts. Being a teenager, I didn't think anything could scare me. (Oh, boy was I wrong!!! LOL) After everyone was asleep, including the councilors, I'd turn my flashlight on and continue reading. This book was spooky!!! And of course, what made it even more spooky was the fact that I was reading by flashlight in an old church that made creaking sounds. And it may have been my imagination, but there were times I could swear I saw I shadows moving! LOL

I guess you could say it was then that my interest in ghosts came to the forefront and it never went away.

Now, why am I telling you this??? I'm in the middle of writing Secret Ritual, the first book in my Crimson Dragon Saga. And there are ghosts in it!!!! Scary, spooky ghosts...and a drop dead (no pun intended...LOL) sexy ghost in it!!!! Every time I work on a story with ghosts, I fondly recall the trip to Texas and the church ghosts! LOL

Have a wonderful week my dear readers!

Haunts and kisses!!!